Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Algorithm 1: Safe Point Thinning Algorithm for 2-D Objects
Algorithm SPTA
Input: A 2-D digital picture P = (G 2 ,8,4,S).
Output: The skeleton of P.
1. Scan left and right border points. Check the simple point conditions
(an example shown in Eq. (1.1)) for each point. If the condition fails,
the point is flagged and considered to be deleted for subsequent check
on deletion condition.
2. Repeat the above step for top and bottom border points.
3. Delete all the flagged points. If there is no deletion, exit from the
computation, else go to step 1.
FIGURE 1.14: Thinned pattern obtained by SPTA (a) original image (scis-
sors), and (b) thinned pattern.
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