Image Processing Reference
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FIGURE 7.2: 3-D digital space and 26N [115]. Left: A 3-cell and its corre-
sponding grid point. Right: Three pairs of α-adjacent 3-cells for α ∈{0,1,2},
α ∈ {0,1}, and α = 0 (from left to right). The 3-cells in each of these three
pairs are connected in 26N.
G yz , G zx , and G xy , such that
G yz ={ .
...,l x (j −g,k−g),l x (j,k−g),l x (j + g,k−g),...
...,l x (j −g,k),l x (j,k),l x (j + g,k),...
...,l x (j −g,k + g),l x (j,k + g),l x (j + g,k + g),...
}⊂ Z 3 .
Similarly, G zx and G xy can be represented in terms of l y and l z for a grid
size g ∈ Z + . Here, l x (j,k) = {(x,j,k) : x ∈ R}, l y (i,k) = {(i,y,k) : y ∈ R},
and l z (i,j) = {(i,j,z) : z ∈ R} denote the grid lines (Fig. 7.2) along x-
, y-, and z-axes, respectively, where i, j, and k are integral multiples of g.
The three orthogonal lines l x (j,k), l y (i,k), and l z (i,j) intersect at the point
(i,j,k) ∈ Z 3 , which is called a grid point; a shift of (±0.5g,±0.5g,±0.5g) with
respect to a grid point designates a grid vertex, and a pair of adjacent grid
vertices defines a grid edge [115] (Fig. 7.2).
A grid, as defined above, is characterized by several elements. These are
shown in Fig. 7.2 and explained next. A unit grid cube (UGC) is a (closed)
cube of length g whose vertices are grid vertices, edges constituted by grid
edges, and faces constituted by grid faces. Each face of a UGC lies on a face
plane (henceforth referred as a UGC-face), which is parallel to one of three
coordinate planes. Clearly, each face plane, containing coplanar UGC-faces, is
at a distance of an integer multiple of g from its parallel coordinate plane. A
UGC-face, f k , has two adjacent UGCs, U 1 and U 2 , such that f k = U 1 ∩U 2 .
The interior of a UGC is the open cubical region lying strictly inside the UGC.
A smaller (larger) value of g implies a denser (sparser) grid. For g = 1, the
grid G essentially corresponds to Z 3 . As each grid point p is equivalent to a
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