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finds one suitable a for a fixed b. Actually the choice of this b is arbitrary so
long as b l < b < b u . Finally we prove that the algorithm terminates.
Theorem 5.6. Given D o , algorithm Reconstruct Ellipse terminates with a
and b such that D o = D(E(a,b)) [41].
Proof: Since the value of b is held constant, two situations are possible de-
pending on whether b < b o or b > b o . We first consider the former. Without
any loss of generality, we assume that at an arbitrary iteration step we have
D 6 D o . Hence, the new a will be a = (a + a R )/2. Note that a l < a < a u .
Two cases can arise here.
Case 1: D = D(E(a ,b)) 6 D o .
Clearly, D 6 D
6 D o . Hence D does not match D o at most, at those
components where D and D o differ. Since in this way a can be monotonically
increased, there must exist some a such that D matches D o in at least one
component more than D. Eventually then, D will converge to D o .
Case 2: D
> D o .
Clearly, D
> D o > D. Consider the last iteration with a
where D
> D o .
From the algorithm a
. Again, similar to Case 1,
the number of matches can be argued to gradually increase culminating in the
Now if b > b o , from Theorem 5.5, we will always get D > D o and keep
on decrementing a (actually a → a l ). Since D(E(a l ,b)) < D o , eventually we
shall get an a where D = D o .
Hence, the algorithm terminates with a correct estimation.
< a
and D o 6 D
6 D
As the above argument holds for any (a,b) ∈ R ul , it is easy to see that
there exists an a (or b) for an arbitrary b,b l < b < b u (or a,a l < a < a u ) such
that D = D o .
5.3.3 The Domain Theorem
In this section, we show that a variation of the iteration equations helps
to compute the domain of D o , of which R ul is a tight bound. We present it in
the next theorem after necessary lemmas.
Lemma 5.7. The following hold [41]:
(A) a l < a < a u if and only if b
l (a) < b
u (a) where b
l (a) = max i (y i /
i 2 /a 2 )) and b
(1−i 2 /a 2 )).
u (a) = min i ((y i + 1)/
(B) b l < b < b u if and only if a
l (b) < a
u (b) where a
l (b) = max i (x i /
i 2 /b 2 )) and a
(1−i 2 /b 2 )).
u (b) = min i ((x i + 1)/
Theorem 5.7. (The Domain Theorem) The domain Domain(D o ) of all pos-
sible values of (a,b) parameters to give reconstruction is given by the following
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