Image Processing Reference
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Chapter 5
Parametric Curve Estimation and
Digital Conics in Canonical Form ............................... 160
Circles and Parabolas in Canonical Form ....................... 163
Estimation of Major and Minor Axes of an Ellipse in Canonical
Form ............................................................. 166
Reconstruction of Ellipse ................................ 166
The Reconstruction Algorithm .......................... 170
The Domain Theorem ................................... 171
Reconstruction of Hyperbola in Canonical Form ................ 172
A Restricted Class of Digitized Planar Curves .................. 175
Characterizing Properties of the Class .................. 176
One-Parameter Class .................................... 181
Two-Parameter Class .................................... 183
Summary ......................................................... 186
Exercises ......................................................... 186
Reconstruction of the original continuous curve from a given set of digital
points representing its digitization is an important problem in digital image
analysis. It is understood that digitization is a lossy transformation. There-
fore, reconstruction of the original curve from its digitization is, in general,
impossible. This loss of information opens up a number of questions, the most
important of them being: Is it possible to obtain the given digital image by
digitizing a particular kind of curve? In Chapter 3, we considered this prob-
lem for straight lines. In this chapter we investigate the problem under a more
general context in 2-D.
To pose the question formally, consider the class of planar curves alge-
braically by an equation f(x,y,P) = 0 where x and y are spatial variables,
P = (p 1 ,p 2 ,...,p k ) is a set of control parameters and f is a function relating
x, y, and P. For example, f(x,y,m,c) may be y −mx−c where P = (m,c)
and k = 2. Let D o be the given set of digital points. Then the earlier question
can be restated as: Does there exist a vector P 1
∈ R k (R denotes the set of
real numbers) so that the digitization of f(x,y,P 1 ) = 0 yields the given set
D o ?
This problem is known as a reconstruction problem of a digitized image
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