Image Processing Reference
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2. A corridor is a closed region between two parallel straight lines. If a
corridor contains k points including the points on the boundary, then
the corridor is called a k-dense corridor (KDC ). Of all KDCs, the one
with the smallest width is called the narrowest KDC (NKDC).
Suppose D is a DSLS with n points and (n,q,p,s) is Dorst's character-
ization of D. Prove that the slope of NnDC through D is (p/q).
3. If the digitization scheme of Stojmenovic is assumed for 3-D straight
lines, then prove that each of the planes x = i, y = j or z = k contains
exactly one digital point of the line (segment) L.
4. The r,s noise cover of L : y = mx + c, denoted by N r,s (L), is given by
N r,s (L) = {(i,j)|0 ≤ i ≤n,mi+c−s−1 < j < mi+c+r,i,j integers }.
Suppose the real image of a line is I, where for every i, there would be
multiple y i around ⌊mi + c⌋. Modify the iterative refinement technique
to obtain r,s,m,c so that N r,s (L) includes I.
5. Consider the algorithm Algorithm Sequential I R. If for some k, m k+1
u = (y j +1−m k+ l j) then prove that the new estimates
from the straight line L : y = mx+c passing through (i,y i ) and (j,y j +1)
satisfy m l ≥ m ≥m k+1
−c u )/i and c k+2
(y i
and c u ≤c ≤ c k+ u .
6. Provide a counter-example where P is an n-DPS, but there does not
exist a support face.
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