Image Processing Reference
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FIGURE 3.10: Plot of RDEV vs. n for various area estimator. (the first set).
Reprinted from the proceedings of Conference on Vision Geometry, 1832(1993), S. Chattopadhyay et al., Digital
Plane Segments, 150-161, Copyright (1993), with permission from SPIE.
line segments that are the pre-images of the given discrete straight line seg-
ment (DSLS). We also presented in detail an iterative refinement algorithm
to analyze a DSLS and compute its domain.
We also described several length estimators of digitized straight lines in
two and three dimensions. The accuracies of these estimators were also dis-
cussed. A study of the performance of the estimators shows the importance
of characterizing the chain code in a much better way. It reveals that a richer
characterization leads to better estimators, and naturally the faithful charac-
terization yields the best length estimator for 2-D and 3-D DSLS.
A netcode (like a chain code for lines) is described as a representation of
a digital plane segment. Some of its properties were examined and many area
estimators were introduced in terms of the number of different elements in the
1. Suppose that a point p in 3-D is denoted by (p x ,p y ,p z ), and let p z=0
denote the point (p x ,p y ,0).
A set of digital points in 3-D S is called even iff its projection onto the
xy-plane is one-to-one, and for every quadruple (p,q,r,s) of points in S
such that p z=0
−s z ) ≤ 1.
Prove that a simple digital surface is a digital plane iff it has the evenness
−q z=0 = r z=0
−s z=0 , we have (p z
−q z )−(r z
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