Image Processing Reference
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Algorithm 6: To Compute the Upper Support Face of a DPS
Algorithm Find Upper Support Face
Input: The n-DPS v.
Output: An Upper Support Face of v.
1: For each column j {
Compute the limiting points of v j and include them in the set Lim(v).
Compute the domain of v j using Dorst
s [76] algorithm.}
2: For each row i, compute the domain of v i from [76].
3: Construct the convex hull H of the points in Lim(v).
4: For each face F of H {
flag ← true;
Let p : z = ax + by + c be the plane of F.
For each row i {if ((a.i + c),b) ∈ domain of v i then flag ← false; }
For each column j {if ((b∗j + c),a) ∈ domain of v j then flag ← false; }
If flag = true then return(true,a,b,c,F).
End Find Upper Support Face
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