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Lemma 3.2. Using the equations of Theorem 3.6, we can see that g and h
may be defined so that y g = m l g + c u and y h + 1 = m l h + c u . Then, g > h
This lemma defines a relation between two support (extreme) grid points
that define the bounds m l and c u . In the context of m l and c u these points
are denoted as (g,y g ) and (h,y h + 1). A similar pair of support points for m u
and c l are referred to as (h ,y h + 1) and (g ,y g ). For the D o in Example 3.1,
g = 4,g = 1,h = 0, and h = 3.
Theorem 3.7. If for any L : y = mx+c,D = D(L) = D o then, m l < m < m u
and c l < c o < c u . In other words, Domain(D o ) ⊆ R ul [38].
The previous theorem states that R ul indeed contains the domain of D o .
Before proving the tightness of the rectangle, we explore one more property
of their bounds.
Definition 3.4. Digitization D of a straight line L : y = mx + c is said to
be less than or equal to D o (denoted as D ≤ D o ) if and only if, ∀i,0 ≤ i ≤
n,⌊mi + c⌋≤ y i = ⌊m o i + c o ⌋ . D ≥D o is defined similarly.
Theorem 3.8. If m l < m < m u and c l < c < c u , then either D ≤ D o or
D ≥ D o [38].
The above theorem directly leads us to a binary search-like algorithm to
estimate an m (or c) given a c (or m) in R ul once the tightness of the rectangle
R ul is established. In doing so, we need the following definition.
Definition 3.5. The (c,m)-bounds: m l ,c u ,m u ,c l are defined to be consistent
if and only if m l < m u and c l < c u .
Note that the following theorem uses the fact that the chain code under
standard situation contains 0s and 1s only.
Theorem 3.9. If (c,m)-bounds are consistent, then there exists at least one
pre-digitized line L, such that D(L) = D o . [38].
Proof: First we highlight two simple properties of the lines L lu : y = m l x+c u
and L ul : y = m u x + c l . Let L lu and L ul intersect at M = (x,y) (Fig. 3.6).
Property 1: 0 < x≤ n.
Property 2: There exists no grid point in the open triangles ABM and
Note that these properties directly follow from the consistency of the
From the above properties, we can say that y i = ⌊m l i+c u ⌋,x≤ i < n and
y i = ⌊m u i + c l ⌋,0 < i < x. Thus, if we draw a straight line FG(y = mx + c)
through M (Fig. 3.6), then y i = ⌊mi+c⌋ if i = x. Now two cases may arise. If
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