Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
47. Odum, H.; Mark, B.; Brandt-Williams, S. Folio #1 Introduction and Global Budget.
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50. National Environmental Accounting Database. Available online: http://cep.ees.ufl.
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52. Buenfil, A. Emergy Evaluation of Water. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Florida, Ga-
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53. Brandt-Williams, S. Folio #4 Emergy of Florida Agriculture. In Handbook of Emer-
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54. Kamp, A.; Østergård, H.; Gylling, M. Sustainability Assessment of Growing and
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55. Bargigli, S.; Ulgiati, S. Emergy and Life-Cycle Assessment of Steel Production in
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57. Regional and Local Authority Electricity Consumption Statistics: 2005 to 2011.
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58. Kamp, A.; Østergård, H. How to Manage Co-Product Inputs in Emergy Accounting
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59. Berry, P.M.; Sylvester-Bradley, R.; Philipps, L.; Hatch, D.J.; Cuttle, S.P.; Rayns, F.W.;
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60. Brown, M.T.; Ulgiati, S. Understanding the Global Economic Crisis: A Biophysical
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61. Odum, H.T.; Odum, E.C. The Prosperous Way Down. Energy 2006, 31, 21-32,
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