Agriculture Reference
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17. Milligan, G.W. A review of Monte Carlo Tests of cluster analysis. Multivariate Be-
hav. Res. 2008, 16, 379-407.
18. Goldringer, I.; Paillard, S.; Enjalbert, J.; David, J.L.; Brabant, P. Divergent evolu-
tion of wheat populations conducted under recurrent selection and dynamic manage-
ment. Agronomie 1998, 18, 413-425.
19. Chable, V.; Le Lagadec, F.; Supiot, N.; Léa, R. Participatory research for plant breed-
ing in Brittany, the Western region of France: Its actors and organisation. In Proceed-
ings of the 1st IFOAM Conference on C7—Organic Animal and Plant Breeding,
Breeding Diversity, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 25-28 August 2009.
Table 5 is not available in this version of the article. To view the missing
table, please see the original version of the article, as cited on the first
page of this chapter.
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