Agriculture Reference
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process of varietal innovation, leading not necessarily to new fi xed variet-
ies, but rather to well-adapted heterogeneous populations for each farm
which continue to evolve.
1. Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Backes, G.; Vriend, H.; Ostergaard, H. The role of mo-
lecular markers and marker assisted selection in breeding for organic agriculture.
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2. Löschenberger, F.; Fleck, A.; Grausgruber, H.; Hetzendorfer, H.; Hof, G.; Lafferty,
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riculture: The example of winter wheat in Austria. Euphytica 2008, 163, 469-480.
3. Phillips, S.L.; Wolfe, M.S. Evolutionary plant breeding for low input systems. J.
Agric. Sci. 2005, 143, 245-254.
4. Ceccarelli, S. Positive interpretation of genotype by environment interactions in re-
lation to sustainability and biodiversity. In Plant Adaptation and Crop Improvement;
Cooper, M., Hammer, G.L., Eds.; CAB International: Wallingford, Oxon, UK, 1996;
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5. Demeulenaere, E.; Bonneuil, C.; Balfourier, F.; Basson, A.; Berthellot, J.F.;
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mentarités entre gestion dynamique à la ferme et gestion statique en collections. em
Les Actes du BRG 2008, 7, 117-138.
6. Finckh, M.R.; Gacek, E.S.; Goyeau, H.; Lannou, C.; Merz, U.; Mundt, C.C.; Munk,
L.; Nadziak, J.; Newton, A.C.; de Vallavieille-Pope, C.; et al. Cereal variety and
species mixtures in practice, with emphasis on disease resistance. Agronomie 2000,
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7. Hajjar, R.; Jarvis, D.I.; Gemmill-Herren, B. The utility of crop genetic diversity in
maintaining ecosystem services. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 2008, 123, 261-270.
8. Heal, G.; Walker, B.; Levin, S.; Arrow, K.; Dasgupta, P.; Daily, G.; Ehrlich, P.; Mal-
er, K.G.; Kautsky, N.; Lubchenco, J.; et al. Genetic diversity and interdependent
crop choices in agriculture. Resour. Energy Econ. 2004, 26, 175-184.
9. Horneburg, B.; Becker, H.C. Crop adaptation in on-farm management by natural and
conscious selection: A case study with lentil. Crop Sci. 2008, 48, 203-212.
10. Murphy, K.M.; Lammer, D.; Lyon, S.R.; Carter, B.; Jones, S.S. Breeding for organic
and low-input farming systems: An evolutionary-participatory breeding method for
inbred cereal grains. Renewable Agric. Food Syst. 2005, 20, 48-55.
11. Newton, A.C.; Begg, G.S.; Swanston, J.S. Deployment of diversity for enhanced
crop function. Ann. Appl. Biol. 2009, 154, 309-322.
12. Zhu, y.; Chen, H.; Fan, J.; Wang, Y.; Li, Y.; Chen, J.; Fan, J.X.; Yang, S.; Hu, L.;
Leung, H.; et al. Genetic diversity and disease control in rice. Nature 2000, 406,
13. Altieri, M.A. The ecological role of biodiversity in agroecosystems. Agric. Ecosyst.
Environ. 1999, 74, 19-31.
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