Agriculture Reference
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its increase and decrease (ZDRAVKOVIC et al., 2000, ATANASOVA and
GEORGIEV, 2009).
The purpose of breeding crops with specifi c features designed for or-
ganic or other sustainable production requires researches in the fi eld of
seed production, so the results could be available to producers through
new varieties. (VAN WEAS, 2003). Important features of research must
be prices of seeds and fi nal products. These aspects require a comparative
analysis of conventional production and integrated crop management and
organic methods (BRUMFIELD et al. 2000).
The project of breeding dry beans resistant to stressful conditions of
drought has been set out at the Institute for Vegetable Crops, and aim of
the project was controlling the negative effects of a high temperature and
low rainfall. In our research 62 genotypes were used. Pure lines suitable
for further selection have been chosen. The number of nodes in the pure
lines is not dependent on the water quantity for irrigation, which includes
them in the next breeding phase for stressful conditions (ZDRAVKOVIC
M. et al., 2004a; ZDRAVKOVIC M. et al., 2004b). The effects of two
microbiological fertilizers (SOJ 1 and SOJ 2) have been investigated on
dry beans, in the variation with and without additional nutrition with min-
eral fertilizers (KAN). The first pod height was recorded. Microbiological
fertilizers do not affect on this trait, whereas they exhibited a significant
effect on the bean mass per plant (JARAK et al., 2007).
Aimed at creating lettuce cultivars ( Lactuca sativa L.) resistant to patho-
gens, the causal agents of plant diseases, and especially to virus diseases,
research was carried out on the spontaneous flora in the locality of Po-
moravlje and Sumadija where the genotypes of the species Lactuca sp.
that are resistant to causal agents of virus diseases could be found. The
interspecies hybrids Lactuca virosa L. x Lactuca sativa L., L. saligna L. x
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