Agriculture Reference
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tion and organic production of vegetables. Organic seed provides all nec-
essary inputs for entire organic production (VALEMA, 2004).
The aim of this research was the characterization of organic vegetable
breeding of certain species and seed production through quality, yield and
resistance to plant pathogens in the agro-ecological conditions in Serbia.
Plant breeding is based on genetic variability, selection and recombina-
tion. It is multidisciplinary and creative work which is based on scientific
disciplines such as genetics, physiology, molecular biology, growing tech-
nology and plant protection (VAN WEAS, 2003).
Compared to the methods available for conventional plant breeding,
there are some limitations on the choice of the method for organic breed-
ing. These methods can be classifi ed as: permitted methods—intraspecifi c
crossing, backcrossing, mass selection, individual selection, forbidden
methods—interspecifi c crossing, protoplast fusion, genetic modifi cation,
induced mutations and conditionally permitted—use of hybrid varieties,
somatic embryogenesis, meristem culture, and in vitro micropropagation
anther culture.
1. The application of genetically modified organisms or their deriva-
tives is banned in the organic production. Such a ban is included
in our Organic Production and Organic Products Act ("Official
Gazette of the RS", 62/06): “Genetically modified organisms and
their derivatives cannot be used in organic production.” (BEREN-
JI, 2005).
2. Of the modern biotechnology methods, only the method of indirect
selection via molecular markers is permitted because this method
does not affect the change of the genetic plant construction.
3. The compromise for hybrid varieties that can be used in organic
production is accepted, if they are fertile and if the sterility in the
process of hybrid seed production is not chemically caused. Most
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