Agriculture Reference
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75. Edwards CA (1988) Breakdown of animal, vegetable and industrial organic wastes
by earthworms. In: Edwards CA, Neuhauser EF (eds) Earthworms in Waste and
Environmental Management SPB, The Hague, Netherlands. pp 21-31
76. Edwards CA (1998) The use of earthworms in the breakdown and management of
organic wastes. In: Edwards CA (ed) Earthworm Ecology, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
pp 327-354
77. Edwards CA (2011) Human pathogen reduction during vermicomposting. In: Ed-
wards CA, Arancon NQ, Sherman R (eds) Vermiculture technology: earthworms, or-
ganic wastes and environmental management, CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp 249-261
78. Edwards CA, Arancon NQ, Bennett MV, Askar A, Keeney G, Little B (2010) Sup-
pression of green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) (Sulz.), citrus mealybug (Planococcus
citri) (Risso), and two spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) (Koch.) attacks on to-
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79. Edwards CA, Arancon NQ, Bennett MV, Askar A, Keeney G (2010) Effect of aque-
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tatum) (Fabr.) on cucumbers and tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) (L.) on toma-
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80. Edwards CA, Arancon NQ, Emerson E, Pulliam R (2007) Supressing plant parasitic
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81. Edwards CA, Arancon NQ (2004) Vermicomposts suppress plant pest and disease
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82. Edwards CA, Bohlen PJ (1996) Biology and Ecology of earthworms. Chapman and
Hall, London. p 426
83. Edwards CA, Burrows I, Fletcher KE, Jones BA (1985) The use of earthworms for
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Wastes, Elsevier, London. pp 229-241
84. Edwards CA, Burrows I (1988) The potential of earthworm composts as plant
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ronmental Management, SPB Academic Press, The Hague. pp 21-32
85. Edwards CA, Dominguez J, Arancon NQ (2004) The influence of vermicomposts
on pest and diseases. In: Shakir Hanna SH, Mikhail WZA (eds) Soil Zoology for
Sustainable Development in the 21st centuary, Cairo. pp 397-418
86. Edwards CA, Dominguez J, Neuhauser EF (1998) Growth and reproduction of Peri-
onyx excavatus (Perr.) (Megascolecidae) as factors in organic waste management.
Biol Fertil Soils 27:155-161
87. Edwards CA, Fletcher KE (1988) Interaction between earthworms and microorgan-
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88. Edwards CA, Lofty R (1977) The Biology of Earthworms. Chapmann and Hall,
89. Elmer WH (2009) Influence of earthworm activity on soil microbes and soilborne
diseases of vegetables. Plant Dis 93:175-179
90. Elvira C, Dominguez J, Sampedro L, Mato S (1995) Vermicomposting for the pulp
industry. Biocycle 36:62-63
91. Elvira C, Sampedro L, Benítez E, Nogales R (1998) Vermicomposting of sludges
from paper mill and dairy industries with Eisenia andrei: a pilot-scale study. Biore-
sour Technol 63:205-211
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