Agriculture Reference
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An analysis of variance showed that the anise plant height was not affected
by applied treatments (p<0.05) but plant height was significantly (p<0.05)
changed by the interaction between plant density and fertilizer (Table 1).
The maximum plant height (42.83 cm) was observed in combination of
50 plants per square meter and application of vermicompost (Table 2).
The maximum cover (1,442 cm 2 ) was obtained when using vermicompost
(p<0.05) but it was not affected by plant density. Lateral branches were
significantly (p<0.05) affected by plant density; as plant density increased,
plants lateral branches decreased. The maximum number of branches was
observed in plant density of 25 plants/m 2 .
Thousand kernel weight was not affected signifi cantly (p<0.05) by ap-
plied treatments. However, the highest thousand kernel weight with 3.5
g was observed in plant density of 25 plants/m 2 . Number of umbels per
plant and number of umbellets per umbel were affected (p<0.05) by fer-
tilizers, but the effect of plant density and its interaction with fertilizer
were not signifi cant (p<0.05). The maximum number of umbels per plant
- 30.56 and 31.56 were found in the application of vermicompost and cow
manure, respectively. No signifi cant difference (p<0.05) was observed
among the applications of the treatments, but their interaction was signifi -
cant (p<0.01). The maximum number of seeds (8.66 seeds per umbellet)
was obtained in application of cow manure and using plant density of 50
plants/m 2 . Both seed yield and biological yield were affected by plant den-
sity (p<0.05) and no difference was observed in the fertilizer consumption.
When a density of 50 plants per square meter was used, the highest seed
yield (552.26 kg/ha) and biological yield (876.67 kg/ha) were obtained in
the fi eld. The lowest yield was observed at plant density of 17 plants/m 2
(Table 2).
Results indicated signifi cant differences (p<0.05) for harvest index in
different levels of fertilizers without any differences in the level of plant
density. The fertilizer caused a greater decrease in harvest index (HI)
through an increased biological yield or vegetative growth than seed yield.
The highest harvest index (23%) was observed in the control treatment.
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