Agriculture Reference
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4.3.4 HEIGHT
The results of growth analysis in height have shown in Table 4, the growth
effi ciency in terms of days in Table 4a and comparative growth analysis
in height have documented. The T5 set with full dose and T3 set with
half dose of vermicompost manifested signifi cant growth in height than
others till the end of 72 days (30). T4 set had stopped its growth after 60
days but expressed maximum growth effi ciency during 24-36 days. T2 set
expressed maximum growth effi ciency during 36-48 days and declined
thereafter. The T1 without any amendments represented very poor results.
In respect of the growth effi ciency the experimental sets have compared
and arranged accordingly: T5>T3>T4>T2>T1.
Maximum numbers of leaves (twenty eight) were developed in T5 set and
have shown in Table 5, 5a. Cessation of leaf development after 48 days in
T2 and after 36 days in T4 set were observed but the growth activity was
continued in T3 and T5 sets even up to 72 days. In terms of leaves develop-
ment the sets were compared and arranged as follows: T5>T3>T4>T2>T1.
Maximum growth in leaf area were observed in T5 considering the fi rst,
second, third and fourth leaves. In T5 at the end of 48 days fi rst leaf in-
creased in surface area of 1898 square mm, after 60 days second leaf cov-
ered 1704 square mm, and after 72 days third and fourth leaves covered
4656 and 3230 square mm respectively (Table 6). In T2 and T4 the incre-
ment in surface area of leaves usually stopped after 36 days of appearance.
Regarding longevity the leaves of T3 and T5 survived much longer peri-
ods than the others. The intensity of the green pigments in the leaves usu-
ally express the vitality of the plants. The leaves of T3 and T5 were deep
green rather than others. The comparative statements of this parameter
ranking the sets as follows: T5>T3>T4>T2>T1.
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