Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
30. Swaney, D., Santoro, R. L., Howarth, R. W., Hong, B., and Donaghy, K. P.: Histori-
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31. Tello, E. and Ostos, J. R.: Water consumption in Barcelona and its regional envi-
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32. Thieu, V., Billen, G., and Garnier, J.: Nutrient transfer in three contrasting NW Euro-
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33. Thieu, V., Garnier, J., and Billen, G.: Assessing the effect of nutrient mitigation mea-
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34. Thieu, V., Billen, G., Garnier, J., and Benoˆıt, M.: Nitrogen cycling in a hypothetical
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35. Unifa: Livraisons d'engrais min éraux en France métropolitaine par département et
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37. Weber, C. and Matthews, H.: Food-Miles and the Relative Climate Impacts of Food
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38. Westhoek, H., Rood, T., van de Berg, M., Janse, J., Nijdam, D., Reudink, M., and
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