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Fig. 1.2
Decision boundaries established by different classifiers
about the class-conditional densities. Figure 1.3 shows a summary of the statistical
classifiers that can be found in the literature [ 8 ] 0, highlighting the types of
classifiers that are proposed in this work. Statistical classifiers can be summarized
in three categories: (i) based on the concept of similarity—defining an appropriate
distance metric; (ii) based on the probabilistic approach; the optimal Bayes
decision rule (with 0/1 loss function) assigns a pattern to the class with the
maximum posterior probability; and (iii) based on the construction of decision
boundaries (geometric approach) directly by optimizing certain error criterion.
There are a number of decision rules available to define the decision bound-
aries, for instance, Bayes decision, maximum likelihood, and Neyman-Pearson.
The decision rule that attempts to implement most of the statistical classifiers,
including the ones proposed in this work, is the Bayes decision rule. The ''opti-
mal'' Bayes decision rule is stated to minimize the conditional risk R ð C i j x Þ of
assigning input data x to class C i : Thus,
R ð C i j x Þ¼ X
PC j j x
LC i ; C j
ð 1 : 1 Þ
j ¼ 1
is the loss incurred in deciding C i when the true class is C j and
PC j j x is the posterior probability 0 [ 36 ]. Assuming a 0 = 1 loss function, i.e.,
L ¼ 0 ; i ¼ j and L ¼ 1 ; i j ; the conditional risk becomes the conditional
probability of misclassification and thus the objective is to minimize the proba-
bility of classification error. In this case, the Bayes decision rule is called the
maximum a posteriori (MAP) rule and can be defined as follows: assign input data
x to class C i if
where LC i ; C j
Þ [ PC j j x for all j i
PC i j x
ð 1 : 2 Þ
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