Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Family Fisheries Restaurant SEAFOOD $$$
(Hwy 774, Wilson's Beach; mains $9-23; 8am-7:30pm, later in summer) Part of a fresh fish
market, this ultracasual seafood shack specializes in fish-and-chips, lip-smacking chow-
ders, and lobster rolls.
For further information see . There's also a visitors center
(Hwy 774;
10am-5pm) at Roosevelt Campobello International Park.
Getting There & Away
East Coast Ferries ( ; car & driver $16, additional passenger $3;
9am-7pm) connects Deer Island to Welshpool on Campobello Island (25 minutes, half-
Though Canada and the US share nearly 9000km of border, they manage to play
nicely most of the time. So nicely, in fact, that today the sole remaining land dis-
pute between the two countries is over an uninhabited 8-hectare chunk of rock
called Machias Seal Island, and a neighboring (and even smaller) island so undis-
tinguished it's referred to only as 'North Rock.'
Foggy, barren and treeless, Machias Seal Island is best known as a nesting site
for Atlantic puffins. North Rock is best known for...being a rock. Yet the two tiny is-
lands are part of a dispute that dates back to the 1783 Treaty of Paris, which at-
tempted to draw a border between the newly formed USA and what was then
called 'British North America.' Machias Seal Island, approximately equidistant
between Maine and New Brunswick's Grand Manan Island, was not directly ad-
dressed in the treaty (imagine that!), and has remained part of a 'gray zone' ever
since. Canada operates a lighthouse on the island and attempts to maintain it as a
bird sanctuary, while some American puffin-boat tour operators challenge Canadi-
an sovereignty. One, the late Captain Barna Nelson of Jonesport, Maine, would
parade around the island once a year, waving an American flag. Canada and the US
have had the opportunity to resolve the border dispute in international courts, but
have declined.
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