Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 15. Time history of oxygen and temperature from 1961 to 2001 on the density surface
σ θ = 15.4 which is at the top of the suboxic zone. Most data are from the western basin of the
Black Sea. No data were available from 1981-1987 and 1995-2001 [updated from 25].
Low surface air temperatures are associated with each cold interval and evap-
oration exceeds precipitation thus surface salinity increases. The time series is
not as long but mean temperature of the CIL (Fig. 16 b) also has a minimum
when SST is low. The complete Oguz and Dippner [44] analysis showed that, in
general, there are significant positive correlations between positive NAO, cold
air temperature, cold SST, stronger winds, colder CIL, higher surface nutrients,
higher chlorophyll and plankton biomass and high sprat stock and recruitment
but low anchovy (hamsa) stock and recruitment. According to this reasoning
some of the variability is Black Sea fisheries may be determined by large scale
climate patterns.
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