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TABLE 9.2:
Transactions Associated with Calls to readbuf Shown in
Figure 9.8
packets f(>, 0)g
f(>, 0)g
packflag f(:=, true )g
size f(:=, MAXSIZE ), f(:=, MINSIZE ),
(arg(1), allocbuf ), (arg(1), allocbuf ),
(arg(2), readbuf )g (arg(2), readbuf )g
buf f(:=,res( allocbuf )), f(:=,res( allocbuf )), (6=, 0),
(arg(1), readbuf )g (arg(1), lock ),
(arg(1), readbuf )g
f(=, 0), (:=,res( lock ))g
Variables Transactions
c3 c4
packets f(>, 0)g f(>, 0)g
packflag f(:=,true)g
size f(:=, MINSIZE ), f(:=, MAXSIZE ),
(arg(1), allocbuf ), (arg(1), allocbuf ),
(arg(2), readbuf )g (arg(2), readbuf )g
buf f(:=,res( allocbuf )), (6=, 0), f(:=,res( allocbuf )), (6=, 0),
(arg(1), lock ),
(arg(1), lock ),
(arg(1), readbuf )g
(arg(1), readbuf )g
l f(=, 0), (:=,res( lock ))g
f(=, 0), (:=,res(lock))g
if f(:= 0)g
f(:= 0)g
size : f(arg(1), allocbuf ), (arg(2), readbuf )g
l : f(=,0), (:=,res( lock ))g
buf : f(arg(1), lock ), (arg(1), readbuf ),
(6=,0), (:=,res( allocbuf ))g
Depending upon on the level of precision required by the user, the above
mining technique can be easily translated into the more restrictive intersection
technique by simply fixing n to be the total number of call-sites (confidence
= 100%).
Sequence Mining. For control-flow predicates, frequent itemset mining
does not suce since the order of elements in the transaction is not con-
sidered. For deriving precedence relations [37], we use sequence mining [2]. A
sequence mining algorithm takes as input a set of sequences (I), a user-defined
confidence threshold, and outputs a set (S) of sequences that occur as subse-
quences in a minimum fraction (as specified by the confidence threshold) of
input sequences. Observe that if a subsequence s is frequently occurring, all
subsequences of s also occur at least as frequently as s. Therefore, we consider
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