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TABLE 9.1: A Subset of Predicates Associated with the bind Calls
Shown in Figure 9.3
Variables Attributes
(*ai).aiaddrlen f(arg(3), bind )g
ai f(:=, options.listenaddrs ),(6=, 0 ) g
inetdflag f( = , 0 )g
listensock f(:=,res( socket )),(, 0 ),
(arg(1), bind ), (arg(1), setsockopt )g
numlistensocks f(<, 16 )g
ret f(:=, res( getnameinfo )),( = , 0 )g
Variables Attributes
addr.sunfamily f(:=, 1)g
addrlen f(:=, res( strlen ), (arg(3), bind )g
oldumask f(:=, res( umask )))g
controlfd f(:=, res( socket )),
(, 0 ),(arg(1), bind )g
options.controlmaster f(6=, 0 )g
options.controlpath f(6=, 0 )g
To improve precision, we collect properties from other call sites to bind .
Figure 9.3(b) presents one such call site in procedure sshcontrollistener
in ssh.c . For this call, we obtain properties that include the known require-
ments (see lines 1004, 1005, 1012) and also shown in Table 9.1. We also obtain
other irrelevant operations (e.g., the control path is checked at line 997, size
of path checked in 1008, etc.). Based on the properties here and the properties
previously obtained with respect to the bind call in Figure 9.3(a), an inter-
section of the derived properties can be computed. By repeated application of
this process to each call to bind at other call-sites, we obtain the necessary
operations that must be performed before every call to bind .
To summarize the example, observe that deriving the desired dataflow
conditions using intersection must account for the fact that (a) the names
of relevant variables in the two files are not comparable (e.g., listensock
in sshd.c and controlfd in ssh.c ); (b) operations relevant to the bind
call (e.g., listensock 0 in sshd.c and ((controlfd=...) 0) in
ssh.c ) are interspersed with irrelevant operations; (c) the types of correspond-
ing parameters to bind before casting are different ( structsockaddr* in
sshd.c and structsockaddrun* in ssh.c ); (d) there is no fixed order
of calls to procedures setting the address family and the call to socket in
the two files and (e) there can be different number of attributes associated
with the corresponding variables across call-sites (e.g., listensock is used
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