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abstractions, as well as our summarization algorithms. We also expect these
abstractions to be useful in the context of other analyses that track temporal
Related Work
Dynamic Analysis. When it is feasible to run a program with adequate cov-
erage, dynamic analysis represents the most attractive option for specification
mining, since dynamic analysis does not suffer from the diculties inherent
to abstraction.
Cook and Wolf [5] consider the general problem of extracting a FSM model
from an event trace, and reduce the problem to the well-known grammar infer-
ence [14] problem. Cook and Wolf discuss algorithmic, statistical, and hybrid
approaches, and present an excellent overview of the approaches and funda-
mental challenges. This work considers mining automata from uninterpreted
event traces, attaching no semantic meaning to events.
Ammons et al. [2] infer temporal and data dependence specifications based
on dynamic trace data. This work applies sophisticated probabilistic learning
techniques to boil traces down to collections of finite automata which char-
acterize the behavior. Lo and Khoo [20] extend Ammons' work, and employ
machine learning techniques to mine probabilistic temporal specifications from
dynamic execution traces.
Whaley et al. [31] present a two-phased approach to mining temporal API
interfaces, combining a static component-side safety check with a dynamic
client-side sequence mining. The static analysis is extremely simple, and used
primarily to restrict the dynamic search of temporal sequences, rather than
to directly infer specifications. This work presents several insights on how to
refine results, based on side-effect free methods, and partitioning methods
based on how they access fields. We plan to incorporate these insights into a
future version of our analysis.
The Perracotta tool [32] addressed challenges in scaling dynamic mining of
temporal properties to large code bases. This tool mines traces for two-event
patterns with an ecient algorithm, and relies on heuristics to help identify
interesting patterns.
Livshits and Zimmermann [19] mine a software repository revision history
to find small sets of methods whose usage may be correlated. This analysis is
simple and scalable; in contrast to ours, it does not consider temporal ordering
nor aliasing. In a second (dynamic) phase, the system checks whether candi-
date temporal patterns actually appear in representative program traces. Our
analysis technology could perhaps be employed in a similar architecture to
provide a more effective first phase of mining.
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