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q = 0.1 cm day -1
0 0
9 0
V/V o
Effluent concentration distributions for different flux ( v ) values using the second-order model.
(From H. M. Selim and M. C. Amacher. 1997. Reactivity and Transport of Heavy Metals in Soils .
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. With permission.)
fully water-saturated soil column initially devoid of a particular reactive
chemical of interest. In addition, a steady water-flow velocity ( q ) was main-
tained constant with a Peclet number P (= q D ) of 25. The length of the
pulse was assumed to be three pore volumes, which was then followed by
several pore volumes of a reactive chemical-free solution. The rate coefficients
selected were 0.01, 0.1, 0.001, and 0.01 day -1 for k 1 , k 2 , k 3 , and k 4 , respectively.
As a result, the equilibrium constants ω 1 and ω 2 for sites 1 and 2, respectively,
were identical.
Figure  6.4 shows breakthrough curves (BTCs), which represent the relative
effluent concentration ( C / C o ) versus effluent pore volume ( V / V o ), for several
input C o values. The shape of the BTCs is influenced by the input solute concen-
tration and is due to the nonlinearity of the proposed second-order retention
mechanism. The simulated results also indicate that for high C o values the BTCs
appear less retarded and have sharp gradients on the desorption (or right) side.
In contrast, for low C o values the general shape of the BTCs appear to be kinetic
in nature. Specifically, as C o decreases, a decrease in maximum or peak concen-
trations and extensive tailing of the desorption side of the BTCs can be observed.
The influence of the total number of (active) sites ( S max ) on the BTC is clearly
illustrated by the cases given in Figure 6.5. Here the value of C o was chosen
constant ( C o = 10 mg L -1 ). The BTCs show that an order of magnitude increase
in S max (from 50 to 500 mg ≅ kg -1 ) resulted in an approximately three pore
volume shift in peak position. In addition, for high S max values extensive tail-
ing and an overall decrease of effluent concentrations ( C / C o ) were observed.
The influence of the flow velocity ( q ) on the shape of the BTC is somewhat
similar to that of the rate coefficients for retention provided that the Peclet
number ( P ) remains constant. This is illustrated by the simulations shown
in Figure  6.6 for a wide range of flow velocities. For q = 40 cm day -1 , the
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