Information Technology Reference
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We may now define appropriate information sets:
informationset A-weight, B-weight, N-weight;
A-weight: foreach American (label, weight);
B-weight: foreach British (label, weight);
N-weight: foreach Norwegian (PNO, weight);
There is no properly defined specification language defined yet. For example,
it should be possible to be somewhat vague in the specifications, e.g., in addi-
tion to being able to state forall also to state that formost American, forsome
Norwegian, forafew British, and so on. Such possibilities should make the language
more suitable for supporting increasing level of detail in the specification during the
information system engineering process.
5 Conclusion
Our thesis is that a comprehensive theory of information systems engineering must
comprise a clear definition of the concept of information. Such a definition should
come as an addition to the modeling concepts of data systems domain systems, not
as a replacement. To this end we propose a definition of information as a relationship
between domain model concepts and data model concepts. The ambition is that
the proposed definition of the information concept will permit semantic preserving
transformations of data structures, and thereby provide the basis for comparing data
collections on the web and in data bases with respect to the meaning that they carry.
Much detailed work remains.
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4. Bubenko JA (2007) From information algebra to enterprise modelling and ontologies - a his-
torical perspective on modelling of information systems. In: Krogstie J et al (eds) Conceptual
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5. Bunge M (1998) The philosophy of science. Transaction Publishers, New Jersey
6. DeMarco T (1979) Structured analysis and system specification. Prentice-Hall, Englewood
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7. Dietrich A, Lockemann PC, Raabe O (2007) Agent approach to online legal trade. In: Krogstie
J et al (eds) Conceptual modelling in information systems engineering. Springer, Berlin,
pp 177-194
8. Eder J, Lehmann M (2007) Uniform and flexible data management in workflow management
systems. In: Krogstie J et al (eds) Conceptual modelling in information systems engineering.
Springer, Berlin, pp 91-106
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