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have over the services of the class WorkRequest , which were generated from the
defined i tasks. The task to Present Work Request is transformed into a creation ser-
vice of the class WorkRequest since this service generates this resource. The creation
services are identified by the tag < new > (inferred from the property kind of the
metaclass Service of the OO-Method metamodel). In addition, during the
generation of the class model, a creation service is automatically generated for the
classes CandidateEmployee and Employer since, in OO-Method, all classes must
have at least one creation service.
Figure 12 also shows that the generated class model has no attribute definition
or arguments for the services since this modeling information cannot be derived
from the example i model. The same happens with the functional specification of
the generated services. Therefore, this information must be specified at the design
stage in order to generate a complete class model from the initial class model
generated. Thus, from the complete model, the final executable application can be
automatically obtained through the OO-Method model compiler [ 35] .
Figure 13 shows a graphical example of how the transformation of the i model
is performed. This example shows the transformation of the resource Work Request
and the task To Present Work Request to the corresponding constructs of the
OO-Method class model. It is important to note that this transformation is auto-
matically performed by means of the transformation rules; hence, the generation of
the intermediate models is transparent. These intermediate models are the instances
of the Integration Metamodel and the MDD requirement metamodel.
i* - Integration Metamodel Mapping
Int. Metamodel - Oom. Req. Metamodel Mapping
i* - OO-Method Transformation Guidelines
To Present Work Request
provides = ProvidesLink1
To Present
Work Request
To Present Work Request
provides = WorkRequest
task = To Present Work Request
resource = Work Request
<new> toPresentWorkRequest()
providedBy = To Present Work Request
kind = physical
producedBy = To Present Work Request
providedBy = ProvidesLink1
kind = physical
producedBy = To Present Work Request
kind = physical
producedBy = To Present
Work Request
Fig. 13 Transformations to obtain an OO-Method class model from an i model
4 Related Work and Discussion
In the literature, there are papers that are oriented to generating conceptual models
from GORE models. However, most of these papers are based on standard UML
models (such as [ 21] ), and, in general terms, UML does not offer all the modeling
information necessary to participate in an effective MDD process [ 8] . Furthermore,
most of the works that are oriented to go from GORE models to more specific design
models, such as [ 2, 22, 28, 40] , are not based on standards or well-defined processes,
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