Information Technology Reference
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Fig. 10
Integration metamodel for the integration example
the source metamodel into the target metamodel, that is, to extend the i framework
to represent the information of the OO-Method requirement model.
The resultant Integration Metamodel shows the classes AffectsLink and
RequiresLink , which are not present in the OO-Method requirements metamodel.
These classes are defined to perform the correct mapping from the associations
task.requires and task.provides (which are derived from dependency links) to the
i constructs DependeeLink and DependerLink . This is done since the mapping
can only be performed among elements of the same kind (classes with classes,
associations with association, and so on) [ 14] .
There are four conditions that an Integration Metamodel must hold for the
automatic generation of the metamodel extensions. These are the following:
All the classes from the Integration Metamodel are mapped to the target GORE
metamodel. This assures that the constructs from the MDD requirement meta-
model can be represented from the constructs of the GORE metamodel. Table 2
shows the mapping obtained for the linking example.
The mapping is defined between elements of the same type (classes with classes,
attributes with attributes, and so on).
An element from the Integration Metamodel is only mapped to one element of
the GORE Metamodel.
If the properties (attributes and associations) of a class A from the Integration
Metamodel are mapped to properties of a class B of the GORE metamodel, then
the class A is mapped to the class B or a specialization of it.
By applying the automatic UML profile generation to the Integration Metamodel
(see Sect. 3.1), the corresponding UML profile that implements the required i
extensions is obtained (see Fig. 11) .
In the generated UML profile, the properties that have no equivalence in the
target i metamodel are defined as new properties (tagged values) in the stereo-
types that extend the metaclasses. In the Integration Metamodel definition and the
UML profile generation, specific mappings among the participant metamodels are
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