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Assure price and
material types
Assure supplier
Assure Market
Obtain at good
Ensure quality
Ensure timely
Fig. 7
Intentional alignment of user organization with supply chain
Now consider the supplier organization as in Fig. 4. The root goal Maximize
profits prima facie does not seem to belong to the supply chain goal hierarchy.
However, when viewing its decomposition, we find that Capture large market share
and Deliver quality systems are both relevant to Assure Market of Fig. 6. This organi-
zation has to assure its own suppliers of parts. Therefore, the sub goal Obtain quality
parts is relevant to Assure supplier . Maintain profitability is an internal goal of the
supplier organization and does not really form part of the supply chain. Alignment
of goals of the supplier organization with supply chain goals is shown in Fig. 8.
Lastly, consider the component supplier. Alignment of its goals with those of
supply chain goals is shown in Fig. 9. The retailer is looking to assure its market
and the sub goals Stock parts of all specifications , Stock parts of different quality ,
and Do delivery at customer site can all be treated as sub goals of Assure market .
Assure price and
material types
Assure supplier
Assure Market
Obtain quality
Capture large
market share
Deliver quality
Fig. 8
Intentional alignment of supplier organization with supply chain
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