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specifically developed for a certain building. Similarly, the construction and set-
up of automated manufacturing systems can be considered related as well. Flexible
manufacturing systems (FMS) consisting of an arrangement of machines intercon-
nected by a transportation system allow customers to build products in small lot
sizes and high numbers of variants at the same time [ 5] . Again, each installa-
tion at a customer is unique. The characteristics of subdomains such as milling
and turning or sheet metal processing can exactly be captured by appropriate
domain models. Model-based approaches to the configuration of FMS control
software have been proposed [ 6] but up to now do not tie in with require-
ments engineering nor provide means to incorporate domain knowledge easily.
A domain-model based approach to requirements engineering as presented here
is thus claimed to be valuable for requirements engineering within customer-
and project-oriented, innovative engineering disciplines. This claim needs to
be confirmed via additional case studies, for example in the above mentioned
Acknowledgments This research was in part funded by the German Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF) on the project ZAMOMO “Integrating model-based software and control sys-
tems engineering”, grant 01 IS E04. Thanks to our project partners Dirk Abel, Peter Drews, Frank
J. Heßeler, Stefan Kowalewski, Jacob Palczynski, Andreas Polzer, and Michael Reke.
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siver Systeme im Automobil. Infor Forsch Entw 22(1):45-57
3. Bjørner D (2009) Domain engineering. Technology management, research and engineering.
JAIST, Nomi/Japan
4. BMBF (2007) IKT 2020. Forschung für Innovationen. ,
accessed 2010-05-03. Druckhaus Locher GmbH, Köln
5. Brecher C, Possel-Dölken F, Almeida C (2005) FMS control software with programmable
control agents. In: Proceedings of the 3rd CIRP international conference on reconfigurable
manufacturing systems, Ann Arbor/USA
6. Brecher C, Buchner T, Cheng Y, Jarke M, Schmitz D (2006) A model driven approach to
engineering of flexible manufacturing system control software. In: Rensink A, Warmer J
(eds) 2nd European conference on model-driven architecture - foundations and applications
(ECMDA-FA). LNCS, vol 4066. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 66-77
7. Broy M (2006) Challenges in automotive software engineering. Keynote. In: Osterweil LJ,
Rombach HD, Soffa ML (eds) Proceedings of the 28th international conference on software
engineering (ICSE 2006). ACM, pp 33-42
8. Cao L, Ramesh B, Rossi M (2009) Are domain-specific models easier to maintain than UML
models? IEEE Softw 26(4):19-21
9. Doerr J, Adam S, Eisenbarth M (2007) Bausteinartige Prozessverbesserung als Schlüssel für
erfolgreiches Anforderungsmanagement in KMUs - Erfahrungen aus dem ReqMan-Projekt.
Softwaretechnik-Trends 27(1):21-22
10. Drews P, Heßeler FJ, Hoffmann K, Abel D, Schmitz D, Polzer A, Kowalewski S (2008)
Entwicklung einer Luftpfadregelung am Dieselmotor unter Berücksichtigung nichtfunk-
tionaler Anforderungen. In: AUTOREG 2008 - Steuerung und Regelung von Fahrzeugen
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