Environmental Engineering Reference
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weather and climate are also usefully woven into chapters on geoecology, hydrology and
Messerli, B., and Ives, J. D., eds (1997) Mountains of the World: a global priority , Carnforth and
New York: Parthenon Publishing. The natural successor to The State of the World's Mountains:
a global report, recommended in the second edition of the present volume, this topic stems from
the same UN agency source and represents a contribution to chapter 13 of Agenda 21 on
sustainable environmental management. Its updated, improved and more comprehensive review
of mountain environments also reflects the experience Jack Ives first developed in the seminal
1974 topic Arctic and Alpine Environments, which was also recommended previously.
Ollier, C., and Pain, C. (2000) The Origin of Mountains , London and New York: Routledge. An
exciting new topic which provides excellent accounts of the physical geology and
geomorphology of mountains, whilst challenging conventional tectonic explanations of their
formation. Relevant aspects of Quaternary climate and ecology are also integrated into the text.
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