Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure G.2 Changes Specific to Care Delivery in a Multiple Explosion (Scenario 1).
Triage efforts that will need to focus on maxi-
mizing the number of lives saved . Instead of
treating the sickest or the most injured first,
triage would focus on identifying and reserving
immediate treatment for individuals who have
a critical need for treatment and are likely to
survive. The goal would be to allocate resources
in order to maximize the number of lives saved.
Complicating conditions, such as underlying
chronic disease, may have an impact on an indi-
vidual's ability to survive.
Triage decisions that will affect the allocation
of all available resources across the spectrum
of care : from the scene to hospitals to alternate
care sites. For example, emergency department
access may be reserved for immediate-need
patients; ambulatory patients may be diverted
to alternate care sites (including nonmedical
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