Biomedical Engineering Reference
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equipment and supplies are at the recipient
hospital. The recipient hospital will reimburse
the donor hospital, to the extent permitted by
federal law, for all of the donor hospital's
costs determined by the donor hospital's
regular rate. Costs includes all use, breakage,
damage, replacement, and return costs of
borrowed materials, for personnel injuries
that result in disability, loss of salary, and
reasonable expenses, and for reasonable costs
of defending any liability claims, except
where the donor hospital has not provided
preventive maintenance or proper repair of
loaned equipment which resulted in patient
injury. Reimbursement will be made within
90 days following receipt of the invoice.
10. Patient-accepting hospitals assume the legal
and financial responsibility for transferred
patients upon arrival
participation in exercises of the mutual aid
system, and incorporating the MOU concepts
into the hospital's
emergency manage-
ment plan.
14. Hold Harmless Condition : The recipient
hospital should hold harmless the donor
hospital for acts of negligence or omissions
on the part of the donor hospital in their good
faith response for assistance during a disaster.
The donor hospital, however, is responsible
for appropriate credentialing of personnel and
for the safety and integrity of the equipment
and supplies provided for use at the recipient
V. General Principles Governing
Medical Operations, the Transfer of
Pharmaceuticals, Supplies or Equipment,
or the Evacuation of Patients
1. Partner hospital concept : Each hospital has
the option of designating a partner or buddy
hospital that serves as the hospital of “first
call for help” (see lists under Clearinghouse
Function). During a disaster, the requesting
hospital may first call its pre-arranged partner
hospital for personnel or material assistance
or to request the evacuation of patients to
the partner hospital. The donor hospital will
inform the requesting hospital of the degree
and time frame in which it can meet
into the patient-
accepting hospital .
11. Communications : Hospitals will collaborate
on the H-MARS radio communication system
to ensure a dedicated and reliable method
to communicate with the Clearinghouse and
other hospitals. The back-up conference call
landline telephone system may be used as a
semi-secure system for discussing sensitive
12. Public Relations : Each hospital is respon-
sible for developing and coordinating with
other hospitals and relevant organizations the
media response to the disaster. Hospitals are
encouraged to develop and coordinate the
outline of their response prior to any disaster.
The partner hospitals should be familiar with
each other's mechanisms for addressing the
media. The response should include reference
to the fact that the situation is being addressed
in a manner agreed upon by a previously
established mutual aid protocol.
13. Emergency Management Committee Chair-
person : Each hospital's Emergency Manage-
ment Committee Chairperson is responsible
for disseminating the information regarding
this MOU to relevant hospital personnel,
coordinating and evaluating the hospital's
2. Clearinghouse : The recipient hospital (patient-
transferring hospital) is responsible for noti-
fying and informing the Clearinghouse of its
personnel or material needs or its need to
evacuate patients and the degree to which
its partner hospital is unable to meet these
needs. Upon the request by the senior admin-
istrator or designee of the impacted hospital,
the Clearinghouse will contact the other
participating hospitals to determine the avail-
ability of additional personnel or material
resources, including the availability of beds,
as required by the situation. The recipient
hospital will be informed as to which hospitals
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