Biology Reference
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scheme to enhance reliability and simplicity. It was also noted by the research
team that issuers and recipients would benefit from a clear understanding of
conditions by which priority levels are to be assigned to alert messages, as
well as corresponding actions.
14.5.8 Message attribute { event }
Each RTBP message must indicate the event or incident type. PHIN PCA
Guide v1.0 does not specify a message attribute {event} but includes two
related message attributes: alertProgram and category . Of these, only alertPro-
gram is a required message attribute and is specified using CAP v1.1 required
sub-element <info.event>. Enumeration values for this attribute refer to spe-
cific PHIN alerting programs (e.g., Health Alert Network (HAN) (Epidemic
Information Exchange (Epi-X)).
The attribute category is specified using the CAP v1.1 required sub-element
<info.category> and is always enumerated as “Health.” CAP v1.1 specifies
that all messages contain sub-elements <info.category> and <info.event>.
Sub-element <info.category> denotes the general category of the subject
event of the alert message and must correspond to a range code values speci-
fied in CAP v1.1 standard. For the RTBP project, the code value “Health”
is appropriate. The code value for sub-element <info.event> is to provide
“the text denoting the type of the subject event of the alert message” and is
intended to be more specific than the <info.category> sub-element. CAP v1.1
does not provide specific code values. CAP Profile Considerations for the RTBP Project:
Given the limited scope of the project to biosurveillance, it was recom-
mended that CAP v1.1 sub-element <info.category> be specified as “Health”
for all RTBP alert messages. As such, message creation software developed
for the project should automatically assign all RTBP alerts as “Health” mes-
sages using CAP v1.1 <info.category>. It was also recommended, in contrast
to the PHIN PCA Guide, that CAP v1.1 sub-element <info.event> be included
in all RTBP alert messages to ensure CAP-XML compliance going forward.
With this consideration, the team recommended that RTBP message creation
software provide a list of one or more RTBP-designated events correspond-
ing to the foreseeable subject events of potential alert messages. There is a
corresponding need to develop an event list and registry suited to the needs
of a biosurveillance project.
14.5.9 Message attribute { message }
Each RTBP alert message must include a description of the alert. PHIN PCA
Guide v1.0 refers to this as “the main message text” and specifies CAP v1.1
required sub-element <info.description> to convey this information. It is
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