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CAP v1.1 specifies the following code values for the sub-element <info.
severit y>:
“Extreme”—extraordinary threat to life or property
“Severe”—significant threat to life or property
“Moderate”—possible threat to life or property
“Minor”—minimal threat to life or property
“Unknown”—severity unknown
CAP v1.1 specifies the following code values for the sub-element <info.
“Observed”—determined to have occurred or to be ongoing
“Likely”—likely (p > ~50%)
“Possible”—possible but not likely (p <= ~50%)
“Unlikely”—not expected to occur (p ~ 0)
“Unknown”—certainty unknown
A potential drawback to the CAP v1.1 approach to message prioritization is
complexity. While the three sub-elements of urgency, severity, and certainty
permit a high degree of precision in defining the nature of an alert, it also
makes it more difficult to establish consensus as to how any particular inci-
dent should be defined according to the three variables. As a result, both
issuers and recipients may find it difficult to quickly ascertain the nature of
an alert and the action required.
To address this problem of potential ambiguity, previous efforts adapting
CAP v1.1 for a hazard alerting project in Sri Lanka resulted in a simplified
message prioritization scheme by adopting a bundled approach (Gow 2007).
This approach uses pre-assigned code values for each of the CAP sub-elements
noted above. The issuer selects from a menu one of three priority levels—low,
high, urgent—and the software interface automatically populates the CAP sub-
elements with preset values mapped to an optional CAP sub-element <info.
value>, designated as “Priority.” This sub-element is then further specified by the
sub-element <info.valueName> “Urgent,” “High,” or “Low,” depending on the
combination of urgency, severity, certainty sub-elements. Required actions are
based on the assigned priority level: low priority (information only); high prior-
ity (prepare to take action; standby); urgent priority (take action immediately). CAP Profile Considerations for the RTBP Project
The research team recommended that RTBP adapt the simplified message
prioritization scheme and ensure that message creation software provide
users with a limited menu of choices based on this message prioritization
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