Biology Reference
In-Depth Information CAP Profile Considerations for RTBP Project
Based on CAP v1.1 requirements, the research team has recommended that
every person, organization, and agency authorized to issue alerts within the
RTBP project be assigned a unique “object identifier” (OID) based on a valid
and appropriate Internet domain name (e.g., In some
cases, discussion was needed to ensure that each organization was willing
and able to meet this requirement.
In addition, the research team also identified a need to establish and
maintain a registry of object identifiers associated with persons, organi-
zations, and agencies authorized to issue alerts for the RTBP project. In
the case of RTBP initiative, the number of authorized issuers consists of
a relatively small number of authorized users; but, as the project grows
in size and possibly extends across jurisdictions, it is expected that iden-
tifying ways to effectively manage this registry will become increasingly
14.5.2 Message attribute { alertIdentifier }
Each message must be assigned a unique identifier. The CDC-PHIN PCA
Guide v1.0 does not specify an encoding requirement for this attribute.
However, it notes that “every alerting program must have a unique namespace
and its own protocol for generating unique alert identifiers.” CAP v1.1 speci-
ies this as a required sub-element within the alert element as < alert.identi-
fer >. CAP v1.1 further specifies that it must be “a number or string uniquely
identifying this message, assigned by the sender” and “MUST NOT include
spaces, commas or restricted characters (< and &).” CAP Profile Considerations for RTBP Project
Based on these considerations, the research team recommended that RTBP
establish a convention for generating and assigning the attribute { {alertIdentifier}. }.
This must conform to CAP v1.1. Participants and authorized issuers should be
encouraged to adopt that convention when issuing alerts over the system.
14.5.3 Message attribute { sendTime }
Each RTBP message must include the time and date that it was first issued.
PHIN-PCA Guide v1.0 specifies that this attribute is to be encoded using
ISO 8601 format, which corresponds with CAP v1.1 requirement. CAP v1.1
specifies this as a required sub-element within the alert element as < alert.
sent >. CAP v1.1 further specifies that it must be “represented in [dateTime]
format (e.g., “2002-05-24T16:49:00-07:00” for 24 May 2002 at 16:49 PDT)” and
that “Alphabetic timezone indicators such as 'Z' MUST NOT be used. The
time zone indicator for UTC MUST be represented as '−00:00' or '+00:00.'”
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