Biology Reference
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Continuing to improve the positive predictive value of the system
and building applications that allow users to follow up and rule out
“false alarms” quickly so daily workflow is not encumbered
Developing strategies and tools that allow users to do more in
less time
Reaching out to new users who could mine the data for other public
health purposes
NC DETECT has made important contributions and enhancements to North
Carolina's public health surveillance system and can serve as a model for
other states working to initiate and develop biosurveillance systems.
Ginsberg, M., J. Johnson, J. I. Tokars, C. Martin, R. English, G. Rainisch, et al. (2008).
Monitoring health effects of wildfires using the BioSense system—San Diego
County, October 2007. MMWR 57(27):741-47.
Hope, K., T. Merritt, K. Eastwood, K. Main, D. N. Durrheim, D. Muscatello, et al.
(2008). The public health value of emergency department syndromic surveil-
lance following a natural disaster. Communicable Disease Intelligence 32(1):92-94.
Leonardi, G. S., S. Hajat, R. S. Kovats, G. E. Smith, D. Cooper, and E. Gerard. (2006).
Syndromic surveillance use to detect the early effects of heat-waves: An analysis
of NHS direct data in England. Soz Praventivmed 51(4):194-201.
Lombardo, J. S., H. Burkom, and J. Pavlin. (2004). ESSENCE II and the framework for
evaluating syndromic surveillance systems. MMWR 53(Supplement):159-65.
Loonsk, J. W. (2004). BioSense: A national initiative for early detection and quantifica-
tion of public health emergencies. MMWR 53(Supplement):53-55.
Ma, H., J. I. Tokars, R. English, T. L. Smith, C. Bradley, L. Sokolow, et al. (2006).
Surveillance of West Nile virus activity using BioSense laboratory test order data.
Advances in Disease Surveillance 1(1):45.
Marx, M. A., C. V. Rodriguez, J. Greenko, D. Das, R. Heffernan, A. M. Karpati, et al.
(2005). Diarrheal illness detected through syndromic surveillance after a mas-
sive power outage: New York City, August 2003. American Journal of Public Health
Stemler, S. (2001). An overview of content analysis. Practical Assessment, Research and
Evaluation, 7(17).
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