Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Paired Pre and Post Measures
SMS Te xt Message Ta sks
Content Delivery
Ta sk 1
Ta sk 2
ask 2b
Ta sk 3
ask 4
ask 5
Photo with Audio
Te xt with Audio
Essential Rule Speech Act Ta sk Complexity
Figure 7.1
Parallel pretraining and posttraining measures.
Tw o-Way Communication Exchange
Action Te am Volunteer
(Community Responder)
Crisis Response Message
Action Te am
(Command and Control)
Action Te am Volunteer
(Community Responder)
Action Te am Volunteer
(Community Responder)
Figure 7.2
Two-way communication exchange.
is a member of a local community who is not trained as a first responder
(fire, police, EMS/medical) but is responding to a crisis (Gomez, Passerini,
Hare 2006). The frequency of quick-response tactics is limited because the
community responder is not called upon to respond as frequently as a first
responder. Biosurveillance crises are among those less frequently performed
tasks. Zhu and Zhou (2006) note that “attention has been paid to roles in dif-
ferent areas relevant to systems such as modeling, software engineering,
access control, system administration, agent systems, database systems, and
collaborative systems. Roles can help team members avoid being inundated
by overwhelming information.” Turoff et al. (2004) also discuss the role trans-
ferability and availability of responders in disaster response. Roles can also
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