Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
The Role of SMS Text Messaging to
Improve Pu blic Health Response
Elizabeth Avery Gomez, PhD
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, New Jersey
7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 131
7.2 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Training for
Community Needs .................................................................................... 133
7.3 Communication Protocols ........................................................................ 134
7.3.1 SMS Text Messaging...................................................................... 134
7.3.2 Plain Language across Organizations ........................................ 135
7.4. Simulating SMS Text Messaging for Training ....................................... 139
7.4.1 Web-Based Application Participant Role ................................... 140
7.4.2 Study Participants.......................................................................... 142
7.5 Conclusions................................................................................................. 143
References............................................................................................................. 144
7.1 Introduction
Timeliness and early detection are critical in controlling a disease outbreak.
Recognizing each case of an outbreak has unique characteristics that influence
transmission dynamics, controlling the spread of infectious disease remains
a challenge. Early indications (syndromes or symptoms) of disease outbreak
in a new area (community) are important for containment. Information
dissemination at the local community level, which is closest to the public,
plays a critical role and an area of scant research. One viable lowest-common
denominator is “free text” exchange through SMS text messaging, which has
received little attention. Moreover, how training could improve “free text”
use through plain language training and situation awareness has not been
studied in relation to biosurveillance initiatives.
Two-way communication during an outbreak or in a crisis provides
the exchange of essential information that can aid in the distribution and
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