Biology Reference
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stages of a potential disease outbreak, from initial detection to response to
control and management. In addition, systems must support not only the
individual user's SA but also provide information to meet the shared SA
requirements of the multiple stakeholders and communities of interest
involved. We demonstrated how these objectives can be accomplished by
applying the GDTA methodology to conduct an SA Requirements Analysis
for end users and utilizing SA-Oriented Design Principles to create useful
system interfaces. Although not discussed in this chapter, biosurveillance
personnel and other health professionals would also benefit from training
programs aimed at developing the skills that support their SA. Findings from
GDTAs conducted with biosurveillance personnel would guide the specifica-
tion of important training objectives for how best to support the SA needed
to achieve their goals. In addition, training on the roles, methods, and con-
cepts used by other members of the multidisciplinary ad-hoc teams inherent
in the biosurveillance domain will facilitate distributed coordination as well
as communication of critical shared SA information requirements. Taken
together, well-designed user-centered systems and tools coupled with train-
ing targeted at essential SA skills can lead to improved decision-making per-
formance and effective team coordination and, ultimately, ensure timely and
accurate outbreak detection and management in biosurveillance.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2003, March. Update: Outbreak of
severe acute respiratory syndrome—worldwide. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report (MMWR) 52(12): 241-48 [March 28, 2003],
preview/mmwrhtml/mm5212a1.htm (accessed November 19, 2008).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2007. Public health needs for
BioSense, (accessed November
19, 2008).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2009. H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu), (accessed May 29, 2009).
CNNHealth 2009. Earliest case of swine flu tucked away in Mexico, officials say, http://,
(accessed April 29, 2009).
Cooper, D.L., N.Q. Verlander, G.E. Smith, A. Charlett, E. Gerard, L. Willocks, et al.
2006. Can syndromic surveillance data detect local outbreaks of communicable
disease? A model using a historical cryptosporidiosis outbreak. Epidemiology
and Infect ion 134: 13-20.
Endsley, M.R. 1993. A survey of situation awareness requirements in air-to-air combat
fighters. International Journal of Aviation Psychology 3(2): 157-68.
Endsley, M.R. 1995. Toward a theory of situation awareness in dynamic systems.
Human Factors 37(1): 32-64.
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