Database Reference
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When all the high-water marks have been refreshed, the average FETCH may
require 1000 sequential touches to the first index but only one touch, normally
random, to the second index. Thus, the QUBE for a transaction with 20 FETCHes
would be:
20 × 10 ms + 20 , 000 × 0 . 01 ms + 20 × 0 . 1ms = 0 . 4s
The biggest performance concern is normally the I/O time required to update
the redundant data added to the table and to one of its indexes. With downward
denormalization, a large number of index rows may have to be moved, which
may make a simple UPDATE very slow. Upward denormalization is not as likely
to cause I/O bursts due to a single update, but many INSERTS, UPDATEs, and
DELETEs may cause a few extra disk I/Os to the parent table and to one of its
indexes. In extreme cases, say more than 10 INSERTs or UPDATEs per second,
the disk drive load created by these I/Os can be an issue.
It is understandable that many database specialists are reluctant to add redundant
columns to operational tables. Denormalization is not only a trade-off between
retrieval speed and update speed—it is also, to some extent, a trade-off between
performance and data integrity, even if triggers are used to maintain the redundant
data. But then, when nested loop causes too many random reads and MS/HJ
consumes too much CPU time, denormalization may appear to be the only option
available. Nevertheless, before taking this drastic approach, it is obviously of
great importance to ensure that everything that could be done to avoid it, has
been done. This means being absolutely sure that the best fat indexes for NLJ
or MS/HJ have been considered and making any troublesome indexes resident
in memory; the purchase of additional memory to ensure more resident indexes,
or of new disks with fast sequential read, might push the break-even point with
regard to the need to denormalize just that little bit further.
This is without doubt a difficult balancing act. We do not want to give the
impression that non-BJQ is always easy to fix with superfast sequential scans.
The figures might suggest this in our case study, but tables in real life are often
much larger, often containing over 100 million rows and, with high transaction
rates, CPU time is still a very important consideration.
Unconscious Table Design
From the performance point of view, it is more difficult to understand why so
many databases have tables that have a 1:1 or 1:C (C
conditional; 0 or 1)
relationship, as shown in Figure 8.23.
Why create four tables instead of one CUST table? Flexibility is not an
issue when the relationship can never become 1:M. In this example a customer
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