Database Reference
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TS = 1% × 1,000,000
Index A, B, C
TR = 1
Fetch 0 × 0.1 ms
LRT Empty Result Set
TR = 1 TS = 10,000
1 × 10 ms 10,000 × 0.01 ms
Clearly, the worst case for this transaction is the empty result set or any
result set that implies reading the whole index slice . Even worse, consider the
implication of this case not being index only and the index not being a cluster-
ing index ; an additional 10,000 TRs would be required, taking nearly 2 min to
discover that not a single row could be found!
Consider also the implication of a thicker index slice being used in the
matching scan process, a 20% filter factor for column A, for example, giving an
LRT of 2 s (200 , 000 × 0 . 01 ms), even with an index only scan! When the result
fits on one screen, the first star (minimize the thickness of the index slice to be
scanned) is more important than the second star (avoid a sort).
This filter factor pitfall may arise when the following three conditions are
all true:
1. There is no sort in the access path.
2. The transaction responds as soon as the first screen is built .
3. All the predicate columns do not participate in defining the index slice to
be scanned—in other words, they are not all matching columns.
All three conditions apply to this example:
ž There is no sort because column B (the Order By column) follows the
equal predicate column A, which is the first column in the index.
ž The transaction responds as soon as the first screen is built (20 rows).
ž One predicate column (column C) does not participate in defining the index
slice to be scanned.
The reasoning behind these three conditions should be fully understood:
If conditions 1 and 2 are not true, the whole result table is always mate-
rialized either by the DBMS or by the application program (by issu-
ing FETCHes).
If condition 3 is not true, there is no index screening (because all the
predicate columns are matching ); every index row in the index slice qual-
ifies. Even if the result table is empty, the DBMS makes only one touch
to determine that this is so.
In this section we will once more show how we may use the two estimation
techniques in the index design approach discussed in Chapters 4 and 5.
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