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CTCCCGTCAT-3'). The mRNA was extracted from either young flower buds
(5,8,11 mm) or eggplant fruits (placental tissue from fruits either 40 or 280 mm
long). As an internal standard, 0.5 fg of a 600 bp long DefH9 cDNA fragment
was used in the PCR assay. To amplify the 161 bp long amplicon an iaaM spe-
cific primer (5'-GGGTGAATTAAAATGGTCATACAT-3') and a DefH9 specific
primer (5'-CTTTGGAACTCGTGTTGAGCTCTCA-3') were used. For the in-
ternal standard, a 3' primer (5'-TGAGCATTGATCTCCTGAGTGGTGT-3')
together with the DefH9 specific primer were used to produce the 351 bp long
amplicon. The PCR assays were performed with a thermostable DNA polymerase
mixture (Expand High Fidelity PCR system, Roche) in presence of 3 µ Ci of
32P dCTP. The intensity of the bands was quantified by using an Instant Imager
(Packard, Meriden, CT).
This research was partially supported by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerce
(Progetto Finalizzato Biotecnologie II) and by the Ministero Politiche Agricole e
Forestali Progetto “Biotecnologie vegetali”. We thank Prof. Phatak, University of
Georgia (USA) for the UGA line.
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