Biology Reference
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Figure 3. SDS-PAGE of proteins (A) and IgE-binding components (B) present in wild-type and GM potato
extracts, as measured in sensitized patients. W: wild-type potato extracts; G: GM potato extracts. M: marker;
lanes 1-8: sensitized subjects; lane 9: normal control; lane 10: buffer control.
Effect of Digestive Enzymes on Extracts of GM and Wild-
type Potatoes
Figures 4, 5, and 6 demonstrate the changes both in the proteins, as seen on
SDS-PAGE, and in the IgE-binding components of extracts from wild-type and
GM potatoes after SGF or SIF treatments in the presence or absence of heating.
A combination of SGF and heat treatment resulted in the disappearance of the
protein bands and the IgE-binding components in extracts from wild-type and
GM potatoes, while minimal changes were noted with SIF treatment alone.
Figure 4. Effect of boiling on wild-type (A) and GM (B) potato allergenicity, analyzed by IgE-immunoblotting.
F: Fresh potato extract; H: heated extract. Lanes 1-5: sensitized subjects; lanes 6 and 7: normal control; lane 8:
buffer control.
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