Agriculture Reference
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8.3 The data
The variables examined in the study are presented in Table 8.1. Research examining
institutional constraints to smallholder development as part of other studies have generally
included these variables.
The signs of the coefficients show the direction of influence of the variables on the dependent
variable. It follows that a positive value indicates an increase in the likelihood that there will
be a change to the alternative option from the baseline to the alternative (Gujarati, 1992).
Hence, in this study, a positive value implies an increase in the probability of increasing the
production and marketing of horticultural products.
a. Gender (GNDR): Gender is clearly an important factor in horticulture production
and marketing especially in a country like Lesotho where gender-based stereotyping is the
norm. Decision making roles are normally divided between men and women depending on
the nature of the economic or social activity involved. In general, the legal system regards
women as minors and do not have the power to make important decisions in the household
Table 8.1. Definition and description of variables examined in the study.
Variable description
Anticipated sign +/-
Production satisfaction
dummy: satisfied = 1, 0 otherwise
dummy: male = 1, 0 female
Years of education experience
Market information
dummy: have access = 1, 0 otherwise
Access to production skills
dummy: have access = 1, 0 otherwise
Visits by extension personnel
categorical: yes = 1, 0 no
Extension quality service
dummy: good = 1, 0 otherwise
Grading to market standards
dummy: meet standards = 1, 0 otherwise
Access to title deeds
dummy: have access =1, 0 otherwise
dummy: yes=1, 0 otherwise
Membership of farmer association
dummy: yes=1, 0 otherwise
dummy: yes=1, 0 otherwise
Contractual markets
dummy: yes=1, 0 otherwise
Road infrastructure
dummy: yes=1, 0 otherwise
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