Chemistry Reference
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the RDA. And this is the reason we ask anyone who applies the RDA, to return at a
time a nice example of a problem that was described or solved with it. These
examples will be collected and published as soon as enough interesting problems
(and solutions!) are collected. The focus is mainly on the characteristic distribution
of d f ( r 0 ), but any example is welcome. This will help beginners to become more
experienced and it will help the experienced to identify and possibly remove, but at
least to discuss sources of systematic errors, leading to more reliable charge-density
distributions for all.
Acknowledgments Thanks to Dr. Leusser for providing the refinement strategy for S(N t Bu) 3 .
Thanks to Dr. Herbst-Irmer for fruitful discussions on anharmonic motion. This work was
supported by the DFG (grant HE 4573/3-1).
1. Meindl K (2008) Residual density validation and the structure of Labyrinthopeptin A2. Georg-
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2. Henn J, Meindl K (2010) Acta Crystallogr A66:676-684
3. Volkov A, Macchi P, Farrugia LJ, Gatti C, Mallinson PR, Richter T, Koritsanszky T (2006)
XD2006 - A computer program package for multipole refinement, topological analysis of
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8. Leusser D, Henn J, Kocher N, Engels B, Stalke D (2004) J Am Chem Soc 126:1781-1793
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10. Meindl K, Henn J (2008) Acta Crystallogr A64:404-418
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13. Jayatilaka D, Grimwood DJ (2003) Lect Notes Comput Sci 2660:142-151
14. van Smaalen S, Palatinus L, Schneider M (2003) Acta Crystallogr A59:459-469
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15. Netzel J, Hofmann A, van Smaalen S (2008) Cryst Eng Commun 10:335-343
16. Sheldrick GM (2008) Acta Crystallogr A64:112-122
18. Liang S, Lee C-H, Kozhushkov SI, Yufit DS, Howard JAK, Meindl K, R¨hl S, Yamamoto C,
Okamoto Y, Schreiner PR, Rinderspacher BC, de Meijere A (2005) Chem Eur J 11:2012-2018
19. Meindl K, Henn J, Kocher N, Leusser D, Zachariasse KA, Sheldrick GM, Koritsanszky T,
Stalke D (2009) J Phys Chem A 113:9684-9691
20. Kocher N (2003) Experimental charge density studies of highly polar bonds. Bayerische
Julius-Maximilians-Universit ¨ t, W¨rzburg
21. Henn J, Meindl K, Oechsner A, Schwab G, Koritsanszky T, Stalke D (2010) Angew Chem Int
Ed 49:2422-2426
22. Meindl K, Herbst-Irmer R, Henn J (2010) Acta Crystallogr A66:362-371
23. Blessing RH (1999) DREAR - Data reduction and error analysis routines for ab initio phasing
and for accurate electron density mapping. IUCr Crystallographic Computing School “Fron-
tiers in Computational Crystallography”, Hinxton, Cambridge, England
24. Wilson AJC (1949) Acta Crystallogr 2:318-321
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