Environmental Engineering Reference
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mass. A study conducted in Iowa under record high rainfall conditions concluded
that the majority of compound was transported attached to eroded sediment (Cryer
and Dixon-White 1995 ). However, based on a combination of low erosion and avail-
ability of large amounts of residues on cotton foliage for wash-off during storms
simulated soon after application of CPY, Poletika and Robb ( 1994 ) suggested that
the majority of the CPY was transported in the dissolved phase of the runoff in
Mississippi. Thus, both dissolved and adsorbed fractions need to be considered as
transport pathways to surface water.
Measurements of Chlorpyrifos in Aquatic Environments
Chlorpyrifos in Surface Water
The most comprehensive dataset of pesticide concentrations has been compiled
from the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program and the
National Stream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN). These represent concen-
trations measured from 1992 to 2010 (Martin and Eberle 2009 ; Martin et al. 2011 ).
Both NAWQA and NASQAN programs utilized similar methods to collect and pro-
cess samples. Pesticide concentrations were determined by the USGS National
Water Quality Laboratory (NWQL) by using gas chromatography/mass spectros-
copy (GC/MS) in selective ion monitoring (SIM) mode. The USGS determined and
applied a consistent minimum concentration as a bias correction to account for
changes in recovery and limit of detection (LOD) 1 during the sample collection
period. A consistent method of rounding was applied to concentration values and
quality control (QC) samples were removed from the data file before analysis. To
allow for trend analysis, USGS added an attribute to the database to allow users to
create a subset of the data that had no more than one sample per calendar week to
avoid weighting the analysis toward periods of more frequent sampling.
The dataset reported by Martin et al. ( 2011 ) was characterized based on the per-
cent of samples that contained detectable CPY. Characterization also included cal-
culating 90th, 95th, and 99th centile concentrations and maximum concentrations
for all samples. Data were categorized by year, Farm Resource Region 2 (FRR; 9
total), and drainage basin land-use class (4 total). The basin land-use classes were
agricultural (>50% agricultural and ≤5% urban), undeveloped (≤25% agricultural
and ≤5% urban); urban (>25% urban and ≤25% agricultural); and mixed (all other
combinations of urban, agricultural, and undeveloped land). To examine the effect
of the 2001 ban on retail sales of CPY on measured concentrations, data for 1992-
2001 and 2002-2010 were characterized separately.
1 Level of detection (LOD) level of quantitation (LOQ) and method detection limit (MDL) are used
as defined by MacDougall and Crummet (1980).
2 A map and explanation of USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) Farm Resource Regions is
available at http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/33625/1/ai000760.pdf .
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