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<Predicate propName="hasStatus">
<FunCall funcName="greaterThan">
<Predicate propName="curRFObject">
<FunCall funcName="equal">
5 Inference
In this system, JESS was used for reasoning loneliness of the aged. JESS consists of
Template, Rule, and Fact and it is inconvenient in modifying or updating if we use it
in compliance to the grammar of JESS. Therefore, Reasoner module developed by
ETRI was used for easy addition or modification of Rule whenever it is necessary.
Characteristic of this module is Template and Rule written in XML form and it makes
it possible to execute in JESS after parsing Fact. It is easy to modify as it only needs
to modify XML file without changing internal code.
6 System Architecture
Basic function of this system is as follow. First, with information and time of RFID tag
obtained through activities of the aged, loneliness of the aged is ratiocinated. Second,
in case when the aged are lonely and media of images that can alleviate loneliness in
compliance to the context with the results of ratiocination for the current old people
shall be delivered to ambient display. Fig. 6 is a structure diagram of the system.
Role play of each module is as follow.
SensorDataQueue: information of RFID tag read through RFID Reader, ID of
RFID Reader user, and detected time of RFID tag are saved in the Queue.
nullDetector: in case when there are no information of RFID tag read through
RFID Reader, RFID tag and user ID are set as none.
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