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2.2 The Extraction of 2-D Wavelet Decomposition Coecients
Wavelets transform booms as a signal processing approach of transform domain
in field of computer vision and image processing. With regard to wavelet, an ex-
tension of traditional Fourier transforms, its multi-resolution analysis has a good
time-frequency characteristic so that it is feasible to process stationary signals,
e.g. finger texture image. It is worth to say that wavelet coecients can be con-
sidered as features in parallel fusion schemes. Concretely, a finger texture image
is decomposed into four sub-images by Wavelets decomposition (Fig.1), which
are approximation coecients, horizontal coecients, vertical coecients, and
diagonal detailed coecients. The fig.1 proposes a 2D Wavelet Decomposition
at level 2, and there are 4 sub-images with a scale of 1/4 on the left top corner.
Each pixel of sub-images, i.e. coecients with the scale of 1/4, are utilized for
feature selection of parallel fusion because of its uniqueness, so as to perform
biometric verification.
Fig. 1. 2D wavelet decomposition at level 2 for finger texture image
2.3 Parallel Fusion
Suppose that A and B in which are respectively feature vectors extracted from
two traits, e.g. face, fingerprint etc. The parallel fusion is in the form of c l =
{a 1 +
ib 1 ,a l 2 + ib l 2 , ···}
where c l denotes as a complex vector, and i 2 =
1. Provided
that m>n ,where m, n are subscripts of a l m and b l n , i.e. the numbers of samples,
then set 0 as b l n +1 ,b l n +2 , ···,b l m , i.e. c l =
{a 1 + ib 1 ,a l 2 + ib l 2 , ··· a l n +1 ,a l n +2 ···
a l m }
; vice versa. According to quaternion [5,9], we make use of four wavelet
decomposition coecients i.e. approximation coecient, horizontal coecient,
vertical coecient, and diagonal detailed coecient as parallel features. That
is to say, a quaternion is constructed as W = w 1 + w 2 i + w 3 j + w 4 k ,where
w 1 ,w 2 ,w 3 ,w 4 are such four coecients separately.
3 Our Algorithm
Basically, proposed algorithm workflow is illustrated in the fig. 2. In the phase
of preprocessing, our ROI extraction method is proposed. Since feature extrac-
tion, 4 wavelet decomposition coecients have been obtained by 2 level wavelets
decomposition for composing a quaternion as the parallel fusion. Then match-
ing module proposes matching between template quaternion and test one from
which can gain a matching score. This score can be discriminated by the specific
threshold as the decision.
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