Biology Reference
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ing bottom to adjust to. Perhaps someday we'll have an oppor-
tunity to give this technique a try.
The keeping of sharks in aquariums is an issue that has raised
awareness of their value both as living creatures in their own right
and as vital forces in maintaining balance in the natural world.
Aquariums, as well as the many underwater films made of this
graceful animal, have played a significant part in banning the de-
liberate killing of white sharks in Australia, South Africa, Cali-
fornia, and Malta.
By September 1984 everything was coming together. The artificial pil-
ings and rocks that had been underwater in the Bay for two to four
years were now in place, and the growth on them looked terrific. Every-
one was busy with a long list of things to do, but somehow this busy
schedule was rewarding. We knew we'd already accomplished a great
deal, and our confidence was mounting: we were going to make it.
The exhibits were shaping up to be a good representation of the rich,
diverse marine life of Monterey Bay, and I personally was pleased with
them. Even so, I worried about whether the public would like the aquar-
ium as much as we did. Would the average person—Joe from Kokomo
or Ruth from Duluth, as David Packard referred to potential visitors—
find it fascinating, or had we gone too far in trying to present a world
that might be too alien? Would anybody even show up when we opened
the doors?
We assumed some people would come because of the intense local in-
terest in the aquarium, but how many? Estimates had been tossed around
by our colleagues in the aquarium world, and they ranged from six hun-
dred thousand to a high of one million for our first year. It wouldn't be
long before we were going to find out.
Many of our projects required that several people work together, and
a camaraderie developed among us. Even though we each had our own
areas of responsibility, we helped one another out and felt we were all
pulling together toward a common goal. It was a good feeling.
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