Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 3.9 Sources of electrons from 137
55 Cs and their energy
- decay, with maximum
energies of 0.512 MeV (95%) and 1.174 MeV (5%).
Internal-conversion electrons also occur, with discrete energies
of 0.624 MeV (from the K shell) and 0.656 MeV (L shell) with a
total frequency of 10%. See decay scheme in Fig. 3.8. The total
spectrum of emitted electrons is the sum of the curves shown
spectra. There are two modes of β
transition is responsible for the gamma photon listed in Appendix D, 0.140 (89%). By
implication, internal conversion must occur the other 11% of the time, and one finds
two electron energies (e - ), one a little less than the photon energy (by an amount that
equals the L-shell electron binding energy in the Tc atom). Because internal conver-
sion leaves inner-shell vacancies, a 99 43 Tc source also emits characteristic Tc X rays,
as listed. Since 9 43 Tc decays by
- emission into stable 9 44 Ru, this daughter radiation
also occurs.
The way in which gamma rays penetrate matter is fundamentally different from
that of alpha and beta particles. Because of their charge, the latter lose energy al-
most continually as a result of electromagnetic forces that the electrons in matter
exert on them. A shield of sufficient thickness can be used to absorb a beam of
charged particles completely. Photons, on the other hand, are electrically neutral.
They can therefore travel some depth in matter without being affected. As dis-
cussed in Section 8.5, monoenergetic photons, entering a uniform medium, have
an exponential distribution of flight distances before they experience their first in-
teraction. Although the intensity of a beam of gamma rays is steadily attenuated
by passage through matter, some photons can traverse even thick shields with no
interaction. Protection from gamma and X radiation is the subject of Chapter 15.
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